13 Nov 2001 @ 2:01 PM 

Want to read some of the most convoluted reasoning to support a conspiracy theory? Check out this article, which claims that Bin Laden used paintings to communicate with his people in the US and around the world. Yeah, right.
current_music: Five For Fighting – Alright

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Nov 2001 @ 02:01 PM

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 13 Nov 2001 @ 1:31 PM 

Her name is Marcellee Gralapp and on Oct. 28, this obscure library director in Boulder, Colo., became a household name nationwide after she denied library workers their request to install an American flag inside the entrance to the city's main library. Her reasons struck thousands of people in Boulder and around the nation as absurd and drew the ire of many Americans.

As reported in the local newspaper, The Daily Camera, in denying the request, Ms. Gralapp told her subordinates that "The library should be welcoming to people of all beliefs and hanging the flag might have compromised the library's objectivity." The librarian, a Boulder city employee for more than four decades and a native born American, actually believed, like so many other misguided citizens of this country, that the American flag could be injurious to the feelings of the many non-Americans who used Boulder's library every day.

That came from the “DefenseWatch” newsletter, but I’m sure you’ve all seen other examples of folks claiming that an American flag is somehow controversial to hang in public in the United States. Have these people ever been outside the USA? Whenever I encountered a South Korean flag in Korea, they would have been amazed that I didn’t cringe and feel utter revulsion. And those Mexican flags in Ensenada, those are sure offensive as well. What in the world is wrong with people? There is no right in the Constitution for you to be free from insult. Further, if you are offended by the flag of this country, go elsewhere and look at their flag instead.

White signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; blue, vigilance, perseverance and justice. 

The stars represent the member States that voluntarily joined together for common defense as the several United States of America. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies.

Yep, pretty offensive.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Jan 2007 @ 01:53 PM

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 13 Nov 2001 @ 12:23 PM 

Somehow, some bozo decided that jeans were haute couture in the 80s. We ended up with Jordache and Calvin Klein jeans (“Nothing comes between me and my Calvins,” a young Brooke Shields declared in commercials of the time), and the various “washes” that persist a bit now. We had stonewashed, so as to avoid that annoying “new jean” break-in period. We had acid-washed, for those who needed pants that looked like they’d been damaged. Then, we had Overdyed jeans, which look like something in a cartoon with their excessive amount of colored dye applied to jeans which had started out an honest blue. Bleached jeans, usually in funky patterns that didn’t quite reach to the top or bottom, looking like you’d jumped into an over-chlorinated pool wearing your clothes.

That’s just the coloring nonsense. There were also design issues. Boot-cut, tapered, straight-leg, etc. And, the more extreme “wrap pant” look, which I refer to as batwings. No belt loops, just extra-loose jeans with velcroed flaps that fasten in the front.

I’m sure there are a few others I’ve forgotten. What other bizarre stuff do you remember from the “designer jeans” era?
current_music: Lenny Kravitz – Stillness Of Heart
current_mood: bored

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Nov 2001 @ 12:23 PM

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 13 Nov 2001 @ 11:32 AM 

I don’t if I’ve mentioned this before, but everyone should click this link right away. Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you, honest.

Oh, don’t like that link? How about this one? Better?

Thank you thank you. I’ll be here all week.
current_music: Barenaked Ladies – Blame It On Me

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Nov 2001 @ 11:32 AM

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