This is the kind of sophomoric tripe I am enmeshed in whenever I deal with UMUC’s class online:
…, whose thoughts and emotions deserves to be validated.
Oh, come on! Validation? What a bunch of amateurish, armchair psychobabble.
Here’s another good one:
I enjoy my English classes expect (sic) for the fact that I have to write so much.
That’s like saying you like your mathematics class, except for those pesky equations and numbers. What is wrong with these people?
current_music: Clannad – Atlantic Realm
I think I’ve insulted darling Nikki (couldn’t resist a gratuitous 80s reference). Didn’t mean to belittle your military service, dear. Just the usual banter between services. You zoomie.
For those who think that I’m some kneejerk reactionary right-wing hawk (which is absurdly far from the truth), here‘s an interesting conversation. Guess which side I’m more impressed by.
When I post these links to other conversations on LJ, I don’t do it to espouse a particular view, but to share things I found interesting. In this case, I think one side of the debate makes a much more reasoned case for his side of the argument. I don’t agree wholeheartedly with either debater. In the case I was loudly denounced for recently, I found the other side of the debate more admirable.
Neither side of these debates has an absolute monopoly on good sense and right answers. But, making logical and clean arguments, no matter how much I disagree with them, impresses me. I enjoy the interplay of words between people who can use language to express reasoned opinions. Reasoned does not necessarily imply reasonable, but such is life.
current_music: Clannad – Ca De Sin Do’n Te Sin
current_mood: tired