OK, maybe not fun. Easy to make fun of?
I don’t know how many times the “deer in the headlights” look appeared on the President’s face last night, but it was quite a few. I’ve never seen someone founder so badly while groping for an answer.
I like the way Bush was able to turn every question about Afghanistan into an answer about Iraq. “The enemy attacked us, so we took the fight to them in Iraq” seemed to be his attitude throughout the debate. Apparently nobody has told him the hijackers were mostly Saudi citizens who trained in Afghanistan. You’d think after three years he would know this, wouldn’t you?
Didn’t you also find great amusement in the way Bush behaved when it was Kerry’s turn to speak? He looked like a bored school kid…he’d look at the ceiling, the floor next to him, to the left, to the right, then glance at Kerry, then the podium, then at the ceiling again. Did he think his notes were up there? Bush, to me, came off looking like a childish imbecile, which, then, we already knew he was.