Here’s a quick summary of where your family’s taxes go. What’s impressive is that $4690 per household more is spent than is taken in. So, if you have one child, add that to his tax burden as he ages.
This is also the most federal spending per household since WW2. It’s a good thing we have those conservative Republicans in power, keeping government small, isn’t it?
That’s just astonishing….they spend almost as much money per household as Rick and I make in a year. That’s sad. They spend two months of my pay just on defense…but only $583 on education. I’d rather MY damn money went to education. Why don’t we get to truly say what our money gets spent on??
Do you remember that thing Mr. Aleman had on his wall? “It will be a great day for our nation’s children when our schools have all the money they need, and the military has to hold a bake sale to buy a new bomber.”