14 Nov 2001 @ 10:31 PM 

OK, more griping about inconsistencies between browsers. MSIE, the most popular of all browsers, if only because it is preloaded on every Windows and Mac machine, renders fonts literally. Meaning, if someone specifies the font size on his page as being 8 points (you know who you are, you evil shits with low-res monitors), it will render at 8 points regardless of what you set the little “Text Size” menu option at. This seems reasonable, if a bit inflexible. The other two big browsers, Opera and Netscape, both consider the “Text Size” option to be a zoom button. Netscape makes the text larger, regardless of the settings in the HTML, and Opera makes the text and graphics larger.

Personally, I prefer the “non-Microsoft” approach, if for no other reason than I find 8 point text way too fucking tiny and people keep using hard-coded fontsizes even though they’re absurdly inflexible and actually countermanded by HTML 4.0 standards.


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 14 Nov 2001 @ 10:31 PM

Categories: Journal


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