08 Aug 2006 @ 10:33 PM 

The fourth incumbent Senator to lose a primary since 1980.  Incumbency is a disease.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Aug 2006 @ 10:33 PM

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Categories: Political

 07 Aug 2006 @ 5:14 PM 

Back in 1987, when I first started driving, I had a 1967 Dodge Coronet. It got 17 miles per dollar (mpd). That car had horrible mileage, a cranky carburetor, and generally drove like the tank it resembled.

When I got back from my first tour in Korea in 1992, I got a cheap Toyota. With advances in technology, I was able to average 25 mpd. Of course, I had rare need for air conditioning in Monterey, but that 25 mpd was mostly city driving.

My next car, the Dodge Neon, was a victim of a slight rise in gas prices, so I only got 23 mpd when I first got the cute little thing in 1995. By the time I moved on to the next car, I was only able to squeeze 17 mpd from the Neon.

The Ford Contour (crappy car, don’t ever get one) I got saddled with in 2000 made a then-sad 15 mpd. Power locks, air conditioning, but otherwise a simple auto.

Now we’ve got these insane fuel prices, and I drove to and from Dallas this weekend. The previous week, with commuting the primary fuel usage, I only made 7 (seven!) mpd. The highway trip made things slightly better, with a massive 11 mpd.

Of course, even a Toyota Prius would only average around 15-17 mpd nowadays. I don’t even want to do the math on that old Coronet (OK, fine – it would be five mpd). I think my “Check Economy” light is flashing…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Aug 2006 @ 02:44 PM

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Categories: Economics, Random Thoughts

 04 Aug 2006 @ 7:13 AM 

According to this site, Tom Green County has a median household income $8800 lower than the national median. And, the per capita income is $5400 lower than the national per capita income.

So why are we building so many new businesses here, exactly?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Aug 2006 @ 07:14 AM

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Categories: Economics

 04 Aug 2006 @ 6:59 AM 

On Notice

Make your own, be a lemming!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Aug 2006 @ 06:59 AM

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Categories: Funny Stuff, Memes

 03 Aug 2006 @ 10:19 PM 

Due to some absurd maneuvering by the Texas Legislature, combined with an attempt to be “helpful” on the part of Vinesse, I now have full wine racks and a few bottles still in a box.  Um…yeah.  I better schedule another wine and cheese party soon, and give bottles to each guest as they leave.

The silver lining in this, the bottle of Italian sparkling red that I loved from last month? Got another bottle today. Sweet.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Aug 2006 @ 10:19 PM

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Categories: Personal

 29 Jul 2006 @ 10:49 AM 

A few credit card companies sent me updated cards in the past month, including one which didn’t expire for another two years.  Makes me wonder if the credit companies know something I don’t.

Anyway, all these credit cards require activation, including my ATM card. The activation procedure for one is simple: call the number, they hit the caller ID database and say, “Thank you for calling. Your card is now activated.” Other companies require you to type in the credit card number in full, others the last few digits of your Social Security Number (which is illegal to use as an identification number), etc.  Do only a very few companies know what Caller ID is?  And what’s with the plethora of calls trying to get me to buy the oh-so-useful credit insurance crap lately? Leave me alone!

This has been your random surreal moment of the day.  Please pull through.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2006 @ 10:49 AM

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Categories: Random Thoughts

 28 Jul 2006 @ 7:09 AM 

The Army is mandating Trusted Computing for their new machine purchases. Of course, Trusted Computing only works with Microsoft Vista, which is vapor at this time. And, doesn’t having to trust Microsoft instead of you users imply that you believe the soldiers you have trained are less responsible than a large faceless blameless corporation?

I watch the military system administrators and their contract counterparts struggle with Windows 2000 and XP on a daily basis. Our unclassified computers currently have at least two errors popping up every time we log into them. They also reset the internet homepage and proxy settings seemingly at random. The standard response to almost any error on Windows is, “we don’t know why it’s doing that.  Reboot it.” I can just imagine when the SysAds are no longer even capable of doing anything on the machines that Microsoft hasn’t previously approved…We’re doomed.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2006 @ 07:10 AM

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Categories: Geek, Military

 23 Jul 2006 @ 4:29 PM 

As I was clearing out old documents and files from my email attachment directory, I came across a receipt for a Micron computer, purchased in December of 2000. Understand, I never buy the top of the line, but usually something more reasonable.  This is what passed for reasonable in 2000:

AMD Athlon 1 Ghz CPU
128 MB of RAM
20 GB hard drive
8x CDRW drive
12-40x DVD-ROM drive
GeForce2 AGP card
Soundblaster Live Value edition
56k Modem
100 Mbps network card
MS Office Small Business edition
Oh, and I got a free Zip drive.  That was useful.

And all of that was a mere…1800 dollars and change. After shipping and tax, it was just over two grand.  And now that machine would make a dandy footrest. I was looking through the Sunday paper today and came across several laptops that have 2 Ghz procressors and a gig of memory and 100 gig hard drive and dual-layer DVD burners, for 800 bucks.  What a difference five years makes, eh?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Jul 2006 @ 04:29 PM

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Categories: Geek

 23 Jul 2006 @ 8:09 AM 

After seeing the teaser trailer twice now, I figured I’d make an LJ userpic from the Transformers movie. Yes, it doesn’t come out until next July.

Date and Icon

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Jul 2006 @ 08:09 AM

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Categories: Entertainment, Geek, Journal

 22 Jul 2006 @ 3:20 PM 

I love that in Nevada even the Republicans have a porn star running for governor. That state is freakin’ hilarious.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Jul 2006 @ 03:21 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff, Political

 21 Jul 2006 @ 4:37 PM 

From the [info]altfriday5:

1. How well do you understand your country*’s electoral system? Give us a quick summary of how it works. Diebold makes machines to count all the votes they can. The votes get counted in secret, via processes no citizen is allowed to know. Whichever corporation bought the most votes chooses the next President.
2. What, if anything, do you not like about your country’s electoral system? If you were in charge of reforming it, what would you change? The opacity.

3. What, if anything, do you like about your country’s electoral system?? Even small states get some vote. There is no legal way to keep anyone (non-felon, etc) from running for office.

4. Some countries use fixed dates for elections , and some allow them to be called as needed, within certain limits. Which do you think is the better system? Why? Fixed dates are what I’m used to, so the other system seems more chaotic to me.

5. Some countries use proportional representation and some use majoritarian (or some combination thereof). Which do you think is the better system? Why? I’d prefer a proportional system, as it requires more compromise and coalition-building, instead of just saying the 51% rule and the 49% shut up and color.

*Where “your country” = the one that you can vote in, or will be able to vote in when you are of age

The Questioner says: Don’t forget your links!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Jul 2006 @ 03:23 PM

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Categories: Friday Five, Political



 19 Jul 2006 @ 7:25 AM 


Happy Birthday to me. I made a cake. I’m told that I’m not using an authentic Bavarian recipe for Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, but I like it anyway.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Sep 2007 @ 12:17 PM

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Categories: Food, Personal

 17 Jul 2006 @ 12:55 PM 

Dear people who change the resolution at work:

LCD monitors have one resolution.  That is all.  It is not debatable.  There is no judgement call, no opinion, no possibility of misunderstanding.  LCD panels have one fixed resolution.  Yes, they will sync up at lower resolutions (and sometimes higher, which must be seen to be believed).  But they will look like crap at anything but their native resolution or an even divisor thereof.  So, a panel of 1600×1200 resolution could look decent at 800×600.  But, a panel with resolution of 1280×1024 will not look good at 1152×864, no matter how much you may wish it to be so.

Thank you for not being a tool.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 17 Jul 2006 @ 12:55 PM

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Categories: Geek, Video

 11 Jul 2006 @ 4:26 PM 

Yes, I do have too much time on my hands. Why do you ask?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Jul 2006 @ 04:26 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff, Geek, Memes

 04 Jul 2006 @ 3:10 PM 

The latest in “food you didn’t think anyone would be interested in” – hot pepper ice cream. According to one customer, “It tastes like fire with a side of fire.” Oh, that’s what I’m looking for in a cold tasty treat.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Jul 2006 @ 03:11 PM

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Categories: Food, Funny Stuff

 04 Jul 2006 @ 8:33 AM 

Here’s a fun game – run this Google search at random and see if you can spot the flaw in the music industry’s business plan. Today, they are suing Yahoo China. The BPI (UK version of RIAA) is suing AllofMP3, the only large online music service that is successful and can be used with any music player. A couple weeks ago, the RIAA sued YouTube users. They’ve sued dead people, little kids, people without computers…

Maybe suing your customers is not the best way to gain market share, eh? Do they honestly think they can strong-arm people into buying the latest shitty CD from Christina Milian or whichever interchangeable pop star they come up with next?

Read Little Heroes by Norman Spinrad – I’m pretty sure the recording industry of today is exactly like the recording industry he wrote about twenty years ago, just not as good at it as he portrayed.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Jul 2006 @ 08:33 AM

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Categories: Music, News

 03 Jul 2006 @ 9:47 PM 

So, anyone else see the slightest bit of similarity between the new ABC Family show Kyle XY and the dearly-missed Fox show John Doe? They both have no memory of themselves, fantastic abilities, woke up in the forest, set in Seattle but probably shot in Vancouver… Of course, in keeping with the usual way of doing things lately, ABC had to slap together a viral marketing campaign too. Like the Hanso Foundation from Lost, we have the Mada Corp, a shadowy group that claims to be all about doing good and yet has a secret blog hidden in the job search link where someone writes that “they” are coming to get him. With the implication of freaky experimentation, maybe there’s a dash of Dark Angel in there too.

My point? I don’t have one, just thought that Kyle XY was strangely reminiscent of other shows.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Jul 2006 @ 09:47 PM

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Categories: Geek, Video

 26 Jun 2006 @ 9:29 PM 

This case illustrates much that is incredibly wrong with the current de facto permanent copyright nonsense. A.A. Milne’s granddaughter is trying to wrest control of her dear grandpa’s “intellectual property” from the House of Mouse.

Clare Milne, who was not born when her grandfather died, sought to use a 1976 copyright law to terminate the prior licensing agreement and recapture ownership of the copyright.

So, exactly how does Clare’s assumption of her grandfather’s copyright in any way create an incentive for dear dead Mr. Milne to create more Pooh stories? Those darned zombie authors sure are busy.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jun 2006 @ 09:46 PM

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Categories: Copyfight, Literary

 25 Jun 2006 @ 6:15 PM 

Anyone else watching the BBC Series Two Doctor Who episodes?  Yeah, Usenet is a wonderful thing.

Could the foreshadowing have been any heavier at the end of “Fear Her” yesterday?  Dayum.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Jun 2006 @ 06:15 PM

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Categories: Entertainment, Geek

 25 Jun 2006 @ 5:58 PM 

Because Perich and Visgoth did it and I’m a geeky sheep.

Every Hugo-winning novel since the dawn of the Hugo Award. The ones I’ve read are bolded.

More »

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Jun 2006 @ 05:58 PM

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