Anyone who has read anything of the British crypto effort during WW2, especially regarding the Enigma machine, should be familiar with the name Bletchley Park. It was the home of the UK equivalent to our NSA, and also housed Alan Turing during the war. You’d think preserving such an important location would be completely uncontroversial. Apparently everyone agrees that the site is a wonderful historical locale and its museum of computing is also a great resource. But, they’re not too willing to pay for it.
The curator says they may be able to keep running for two more years, unless some generous folks step up. That would be a shame.
Oh, and if you’re not a crypto geek, at least read Between Silk and Cyanide – it’s a fantastic read and a very interesting look at the difficulties of covert agents and how they tie in with the crypto geek culture as well. Crypto geeks have all read Cryptonomicon, so I won’t bother to link to that one. 🙂