12 Oct 2001 @ 5:02 PM 

After spending half the day staring at a blank monitor for fear of upsetting the LAN nazis, doing no actual productive work at all, I came home.

After went to work, the monster awoke. And monster is the correct term today.

Lotion – opened and dumped on self.

Wallet – acquired, and dumped all cards and cash all over the couch. Was getting set on serious destruction when I sent him to his room to pout.

After a few minutes and no little man poking his cute little head out of his room, I enter to investigate. He had discovered his baby powder, and dumped that into a drawer he had pulled out of his nightstand onto the floor.

Naturally, he looks up when I exclaim, as if he can not possibly understand why this is not a perfectly acceptable thing to do. He was given his third bath in three days, and then we went out to climb the monkey bars and run around like crazy people. Hope he likes dinner…
current_mood: busy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2005 @ 01:31 PM

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Categories: Journal
 12 Oct 2001 @ 6:16 AM 

What do you know, it is yet another LJ girlie’s birthday today. Hope you get everything you want, Lori.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Oct 2001 @ 06:16 AM

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Categories: Journal
 11 Oct 2001 @ 10:20 PM 

Here’s a keeper:

Subject: Never Buy Condoms Again

Yeah, I’m not reading that message at all, thanks. Mmm, mailorder rubbers, just what everyone needs.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Oct 2001 @ 10:20 PM

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 11 Oct 2001 @ 4:25 PM 

I know I’m old, compared to the norm on LJ, but this was not always the case. When I was in High School back in SoCal, there was an online phenomenon similar to LJ called BBS forums.

We even had get-togethers, although rarely on the scale of the LA LJ Bash. At one gathering, I had printed out the collected conversational threads from the previous several months to share with the crowd as we chowed down on pizza (75% of the gatherings were at pizza places for some reason). Imagine trying to print out even a single day worth of the collected ramblings from this thing. Damn!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Oct 2001 @ 04:25 PM

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 11 Oct 2001 @ 6:02 AM 

‘Twas young ‘s birthday today. She is now old enough to buy alcohol if she ever visits the States.

Of course, since it is currently 10pm in Oz, this is somewhat belated. Hope you had a good day, Ruth.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Oct 2001 @ 06:02 AM

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 10 Oct 2001 @ 10:04 PM 

Ahhh… The boy went to sleep without complaint, after an evening where (for a change) I never once felt like strangling him even a little bit. Good thing those little people are cute, or they’d never make it to adulthood.

My job is still pointless, and we found out this week that the current contract has been renewed with this company. Oh, joy, I get to continue working for a company that is notorious throughout the defense industry for being cheap bastards. Oh, well. Could be worse, could be working hard for little money, instead of working little for decent money. I’ve heard of something called job satisfaction; wonder what that is.

Night, LJ freaks and folks.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2005 @ 01:31 PM

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 10 Oct 2001 @ 9:55 PM 

OK, so now I’m starting to slip back down the T Shirt Countdown charts. C’mon, people! Get in there and vote for your favorite antisocial jerk. Start Here


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Oct 2001 @ 09:55 PM

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 09 Oct 2001 @ 8:34 PM 

Not that anyone cares, but cam is on.

10:18pm – Time for bed. Night.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 09 Oct 2001 @ 08:34 PM

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Categories: Journal
 09 Oct 2001 @ 2:46 PM 

After spending some time perusing the archives of the incomparable , I just need to repeat something I say occasionally.

Nobody ever invites me to these parties!

Addendum: Why are there two Usenet newsgroups devoted to Jennicam and not one for Gigglecam? I mean, if you see Jenni as sexy but not Chris, you must not like girls.
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 09 Oct 2001 @ 02:46 PM

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Categories: Journal
 08 Oct 2001 @ 9:32 PM 

Are all my Canadian friends now unmiffed, since our illustrious leader down here named Canada first in his recent speech? 🙂

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Oct 2001 @ 09:32 PM

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Categories: Journal
 08 Oct 2001 @ 4:57 PM 

Yep, the obligatory, self-congratulating, rather pointless post you’ve all been waiting for…

One year LJ anniversary day!
Sorry, had to do it.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Oct 2001 @ 04:57 PM

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 06 Oct 2001 @ 8:24 AM 

To bolster my discussion in ‘s journal, here are some references for the KAL007 incident.

Black Boxes

Transcript of attack from inside the plane

Let the conspiracy nuts come forward!
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Oct 2001 @ 08:24 AM

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 05 Oct 2001 @ 2:45 PM 

New t-shirt designs, this time more colorful, if just as cynical as always.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Oct 2001 @ 02:45 PM

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 05 Oct 2001 @ 1:07 PM 

After sharing this post with a co-worker (who also knows in real life), I just felt I had to try to get it wider dissemination.

Aaron, you need to keep a journal and write a fucking memoir someday. That’s some funny shit, and great phrasing. National Geographic collector, hehe
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Oct 2001 @ 01:07 PM

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Categories: Journal
 04 Oct 2001 @ 12:41 PM 

So, I put together this CD-ROM with lots of reference documents that we may need when we’re on the road away from the library of books we keep on the network and on our bookshelves. I rule. PDF files, indexes, bookmarks and hyperlinks, the whole deal. Wonder if anyone cares.

My boss (well, one of eight) makes a Powerpoint presentation to his boss at random intervals. Apparently, knowing how to effectively use Powerpoint is not a requirement for employment at the Defense Information Systems Agency. He opens a blank slide, ensures there are no pesky placeholders, and inserts his text boxes. Um, ever wonder what that outline thing is for? So, I fix his presentation, making it easier to update in the future as well as presenting a uniform appearance from slide to slide (the titles and bullets used to wander). His next update, does he a) use the fixed presentation as a template or b) start over with a set of blank slides and the text tool? Yeah, you got it.

Information Systems Agency…
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Oct 2001 @ 12:41 PM

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Categories: Journal
 04 Oct 2001 @ 12:37 PM 

Hey, my shirt design is on the front page of T Shirt Countdown finally! Woohoo! To do your part to make Gary famous, go to my Store and click the little VOTE button.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Oct 2001 @ 12:37 PM

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Categories: Journal
 03 Oct 2001 @ 9:16 PM 

So, while perusing semi-random websites, hoping to see the fruits of ‘s labors someday when the military turns their web back on, I come across this gem of professional web design:

<title>Untitled Document</title>

I mean, c’mon! You actually named a document untitled document? WTF? Glad to see military webmasters continue to attain the highest level of skill. This site also claims to be Section 508 compliant (Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility law), yet the only navigation buttons are a series of Flash applets. Yep, all kinds of accessible. Way to test that web site in Lynx or turning off scripts and such first…
current_mood: superior

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2001 @ 09:16 PM

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 02 Oct 2001 @ 9:55 PM 

Dammit, just when it looked like I was gaining and might make it to the front page of T-Shirt Countdown, the new month starts and I get reset to zero. Now I’m only up to #33. C’mon, everyone go to my store and vote for me. While you’re there, don’t you think a beer stein with an origami crane on it is cool? 🙂

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Oct 2001 @ 09:55 PM

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Categories: Journal
 02 Oct 2001 @ 6:19 AM 

Hey, not only does young Courtney have today off, it’s her birthday too! Go, Courtney, it’s your birthday!

(Yes, I really need to sleep longer)

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Oct 2001 @ 06:19 AM

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 01 Oct 2001 @ 4:44 PM 

Well, the Messenger Bag design at Cafepress is no more, but this month is Stein month. If you want an origami beer stein (and who doesn’t?), come on down to the AndySocial Emporium. 🙂

As an aside to any other Cafepress storeowners: has anyone sold anything? I’m sure Persis has, but how about anyone else? It seems silly that I get hundreds of hits on that page, but not a single sale. Oh, well, it was just a lark anyway, like the Amazon shopping link that never earned a dime either. 😛
current_music: Days of the New – Dirty road
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Oct 2001 @ 04:44 PM

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