After spending half the day staring at a blank monitor for fear of upsetting the LAN nazis, doing no actual productive work at all, I came home.
Lotion – opened and dumped on self.
Wallet – acquired, and dumped all cards and cash all over the couch. Was getting set on serious destruction when I sent him to his room to pout.
After a few minutes and no little man poking his cute little head out of his room, I enter to investigate. He had discovered his baby powder, and dumped that into a drawer he had pulled out of his nightstand onto the floor.
Naturally, he looks up when I exclaim, as if he can not possibly understand why this is not a perfectly acceptable thing to do. He was given his third bath in three days, and then we went out to climb the monkey bars and run around like crazy people. Hope he likes dinner…
current_mood: busy