According to Wired, SCO is suing everyone. For those not keeping score, here is a short timeline of things in SCO-land…
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AOL adds fees to IM feature, users jump ship. Betcha. Nobody is willing to pay for IM, no way. And why should we, when there are a half-dozen perfectly good options for free?
Admittedly, AOL is only planning to charge for such things as Yahoo’s IMVironments, but still. Yes, I know Yahoo charges extra for high-speed webcam use. I know MSN is evil. I know ICQ is virtually dead (thanks for that one, AOL – ICQ used to rock). But, AIM is number one by far, and they think that people will pay for extras. Not likely, in my opinion.
My Odd store hasn’t generated any interest yet, even though I think it’s a funny slogan.
Meanwhile, the kind folks at Cafepress have put out a new topical design – the military bear. Since many of my designs are military in nature, I figured it would be a good fit. So, get your camouflage Winged Ignorance bear today!
Over at the Andy Social Emporium, I’ve added a new design: What Would Guevara Do? I figured the What Would Chthulhu Do? design kind of bombed, so I’d get more political. Enjoy.
This research indicates that 18% of internet users download music for free. Of course, the demographic samples is a bit heavily weighted toward the older end of the spectrum. Check out the charts – almost half of those under 35 download music online. I’m betting the other half are on slow-ass connections.
This is kind of geek news, but more interesting to me is that I used to work for this guy. He wasn’t a Mac-head then, though.
I’ve moved the past 14 months worth of LJ entries into Movable Type (minus comments), and I’ve added the RSS feed as a syndication for LJ. Anyone who wants to keep up with the site via LJ’s friends pages can now add the feed to their friends list. Those who read via any other RSS feed aggregator, look on the main page for the “syndicate me” link.
Now let’s see if I can sit still for a while…
For the next few days, the site will be odd. I’m going to be moving files around, changing the main index file so often your head will spin, and otherwise being a right pain in the ass. Deal with it. My site – mine!
According to an article on, Microsoft is going to begin allowing multiple concurrent versions of each DLL on their new .Net Server platform. They claim this is a benefit so that applications that depend on a particular version won’t break when the new DLL is not backward-compatible with the old. I guess they couldn’t fix their flawed compatibility checking, so they just let every program have their own set of DLLs. Way to build on the modular, object-oriented thing there.
The article goes on to mention that .Net components will be able to be copied from one system to another without going through a tortuous installshield procedure, but can be simply dropped into the appropriate directory and they’ll work, no Registry-hacking required. According to a .Net manager, “It is good for scaling out–it means you can copy applications instead of reinstalling them. The whole process becomes much simpler.” Gee, couldn’t we do that with any program before MS decided that the Registry was a Good Thing?
Next up, DOS 2004.
current_mood: amused
Got the 802.11b card for my computer (living room) today, to connect to the wireless router in the bedroom. Yeah, baby. No Cat5 running down the hallway, and a solid 22Mbps connection. Woohoo! Time to download some music!
current_mood: geeky
The more you say that silly made-up word, the dumber it sounds.
Anyway, with the increasing changes to LJ, the fact that it is less reliable than my personal webhost on average, the rise in RSS feeds, and because I’m a geek – I’m still thinking of changing over to Movable Type for my journalish “needs.” So, here’s a question for any of you MT users out there: Do you get email notifications of new comments on your weblog? Cuz if I don’t know someone responded, I’d never look at my own log after posting something.
current_mood: geeky
I’ve added a new Random Meandering Thought on my site. It’s relatively short, and could probably have fit into my stream-of-consciousness ramblings on LJ, but I figured I’d make a post on the site to kick off the new year. I don’t write too many lengthy thoughts on there, since starting LJ journaling 2+ years ago.
current_mood: accomplished
Latest announcement from the LAN admin folks here at the Defense Information Systems Agency:
Update of Netscape Communicator Pro to Version 4.79 scheduled for 6 Feb 03.
Yep, absolutely ensuring that we can’t access half the sites we need to for work, using an old non-standards-based browser. Did I mention, “Information Systems” is the name of the agency?
current_mood: amused
The Clie NX and NZ series machines include an embedded Flash 5 player. So far, none of my Flash files work in it. The one that comes with it (some “game” named Zylo) has no instructions and is so strange I can’t begin to guess how I got 2000 points on the darned thing.
Anyone know of any normal Flash apps that will work on the Clie?
current_mood: geeky
As always with MS operating systems, the Microsoft Smartphone 2002 OS has been found vulnerable to security-aware hackers (you may call them virus-writers).
After the story last week about the one-minute boot time of the phone, and its interesting ability to not turn on when you push the ON button, this is pretty funny.
Get an MS phone, and you too could have the same joy of rebooting, crashing, and constant virus-updating as you get at home! Joy!
current_mood: amused