Some car dealers have installed “black boxes” in their new cars, which have the ability to shut off your car remotely, or honk the horn, when you’re late with a payment. What could possibly go wrong with that system?
I know that things which appear to be clusters are merely random stastical fluctuations, but if another Canadian child actor from the 80s dies this month, it’ll be freaky.
Corey Haim, 38. At least the vampires didn’t get him.
Pringles has issued a recall on Cheeseburger and Taco Night chips, due to salmonella concerns. Of course, if you eat either of those two flavors, your stomach is probably made of cast iron anyway. Ew.
Any of my contacts not from California – have you ever heard of a Pee Chee?
Eighteen workstations wasn’t enough for the boss, no sirree. I’ve now chalked up 23 workstation installs in the past two weeks. You’d think I was some sort of computer geek or something.
This is just crazy – the past three days, I’ve been working all day long. This is just unacceptable; my boss is crazy to think I can keep up this kind of pace. Next he’ll expect me to accurately report my work hours.
Seriously, I’ve installed Red Hat on 18 machines in the past three days, and some of them have CPUs propelled by gerbils. Painful.
I have, over the years, frequently pointed out that most of the world’s great philosophical and religious movements can be boiled down to one phrase: Don’t be a dick. Glad to see someone agrees with me.
Oooh, ooh! I met the Geek Queen, Judie Lipsett, today. It’s surprising this hadn’t happened earlier, I suppose, since she used to live about a half mile from me. But, we bumped into her at Fort Concho today. Yeah, not exactly CES, is it? BTW, she’s incredibly tall.
Farewell to one of the great writers of our time. One more of the old guard, those with intellectual honesty and some hint of nuance in their beliefs and writing, has left the world.
Why are the same people who claimed two years ago that any disrespect toward the President was treasonous are now the loudest ones claiming the President is not even American himself? Intellectual consistency must be very difficult.
Nobody puts Baby in the corner.
Should I be concerned that the IT field services rep for my company (who has a long list of acronyms in his signature block) referenced “Duel booting” between Windows and lynx? I’m not sure if I’d trust someone who wants a text-based browser fighting with an operating system…
Is “until further notice” the most useless phrase ever used, or just among the top ten?
Dear Oscar committee,
Some of us don’t have 85-inch televisions. Please put the “dearly departed” memorial on-screen in a way we can actually view who has left us. And, what’s with the spinning ballerina-like camera work? Vertigo much?
Michael Phelps, fastest swimmer on record, smoked pot. Well, that proves it then – doing drugs leads to nothing but failure. Some other pot-smokers I know of, just off the top of my head: President Obama, former President Bush, former President Clinton… Yep, a road to ruin there.