10 Aug 2024 @ 5:19 PM 

Apparently we’re all supposed to have strong opinions about the two VP candidates’ military records. I’m 54 years old, have had a DoD identification card that entire time, and spent years as a Navy brat, Army soldier, and supporting all services (even the Coasties!). I think I’m entitled to an informed opinion at the very least.


Vance volunteered to serve as an active duty Marine during a period when virtually everyone was rotating through a danger zone. He also enlisted because he wanted that GI Bill to better himself. Kudos all around. He deployed to Iraq as a “combat correspondent” who mostly worked inside the Green Zone but occasionally went into the field to conduct interviews. He served his one term of enlistment, separating as a Corporal (E4). He served with honor, if no special distinction, and should be proud of his service.

Walz volunteered to serve as a soldier in the National Guard, during the Cold War. He was eligible to retire before 9/11, but reenlisted after that event. He didn’t serve in a combat zone, but did deploy for disaster response many times. He retired months before his unit received orders to a combat zone. While he had been working as a Command Sergeant Major, he did not get paid for it and retired as a Master Sergeant (E8). He served with honor, if no special distinction, and should be proud of his service.

Seriously, both of these guys have military resumes that are fine. No scandals, no heroism, just men doing their duty in support of their country. Completely boring, utter nothing burgers all around.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Aug 2024 @ 05:19 PM

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