05 Jan 2011 @ 11:31 AM 

Just over ten years ago, I bought my first digital camera, a Canon S10. As with most of my big purchases, I bought last year’s model with a lot of research beforehand, and I was very pleased with the boxy little thing. Canon has been my go-to camera brand ever since (with the notable exception of our waterproof camera, as the Canon D10 was just too fugly to love). My most recent is an SX20, a break from my older point-and-shoot roots into a bigger camera with a giant zoom lens. As expected, in ten years the camera became much cheaper and much more powerful. This week, Canon announced their new lineup, and for the first time they have a camera with a suggested price of less than $100. So, just because I’ve got time on my hands, let’s compare my $500 camera from 2000 with the latest $90 camera from 2011.

Feature S10 A800
Resolution 2 Megapixels 10 Megapixels
Zoom 2x 3.3x
Screen 1.8″ 2.5″
Video None VGA
Weight 11 oz 6 oz (est.)
Battery Proprietary $40 NiMH AA
Retail price
(when released)
$700 $90


Isn’t it great, living in the future?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Jan 2011 @ 11:33 AM

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