24 Apr 2009 @ 8:31 AM 

The Galileoscope is finally being produced, and it’s a bit later than most people had hoped. When you’re trying to get people into the “International Year of Astronomy” it may be helpful to get the telescopes out before the middle of the year.  That being said, it looks like the $15 telescopes are making an impact even before anyone has one – Celestron has brought out a $50 scope that is tied to the IYA and is much better at light-gathering than the Galileoscope, while offering a 75x objective compared to the 50x objective on the Galileoscope. Cool deal, if you can’t wait for June.

I’ve got two Galileoscopes on order, and I’ll definitely have photos of The Boy assembling and using one when they finally show up. Patience…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Sep 2009 @ 10:14 AM

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Categories: Education, Geek, Science, The Boy
 24 Apr 2009 @ 8:21 AM 

Surprising many by the late date, Yahoo is finally killing off Geocities. I actually had a Geocities site back in 1994 or so, SiliconValley 7305 as I recall.  It’s long gone, part of a purge I suppose.  While Geocities was never a high-end site, it did offer an entrance into the world of the vanity web site for many over the years. When Yahoo bought them for nearly three billion dollars, they were obviously hoping to make money off the advertising-filled sites of catlovers and random conspiracy nuts.  This apparently didn’t happen, but blogging did. I remember manually updating my “thoughts” page back in the mid-90s – what a difference a good LAMP stack makes.

Anyway, farewell Geocities. Catlovers will just have to make do with Facebook and MySpace and LiveJournal and Flickr and … well, I guess they’ll survive somehow.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 24 Apr 2009 @ 08:21 AM

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