20 May 2008 @ 10:38 AM 

“Liberal in the good sense…”  Because the liberal media is so ineffective at propagandazing that the term liberal has become a curse word, while somehow conservative is still a respectable term.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 May 2008 @ 10:38 AM

Categories: asides, Political


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  1. Rosanne says:

    It was probably me you heard. You’re right about the liberal image, but I’d have qualified “conservative” too, for the same reason. The meaning usually transmitted by the word was not the meaning I intended. These days, if you want to use the words with their original connotations, which I think was what was on my mind at the time (I’ve slept since then), you have to clarify.

    My great aunt was an old-time Democrat. She knew it was her duty to help those in need. It wasn’t something that she ever really thought about, or that needed discussion. While she did expect the government to meet some of the need with her tax dollars, she didn’t go out of her way to find new “crises” for the government to pay for. She rolled up her sleeves and pulled out her checkbook.

    Neither the elephants nor the donkeys follow that philosophy today. It’s a pity. By today’s standards, my great aunt would have fit into neither party. 🙁

    She was also the finest hostess I ever knew. You could stop by unannounced, and she’d chat, but she wouldn’t sit down. While catching up on the latest news, she kept moving. Somehow, fresh veggies from the garden showed up on a plate in front of you, along with fresh cornbread or biscuits from breakfast, and a big glass of sweet tea. You could never track what she was doing at any given moment, because she kept a steady stream of conversation the whole time. It was magic.

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