05 Feb 2008 @ 6:00 PM 

Picture this: Kat’s in the kitchen, making herself some pasta. I hear a shout, and go in to see boiling water pouring down the counter and the front of the dishwasher.

Um… What happened?

“I was holding the colander to strain the pasta.”

Did you know it was recently boiling?

So, I now know someone who literally can’t be trusted to boil water. I suspect she does this sort of thing just to ensure I won’t allow her to cook.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Apr 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Categories: Food, Funny Stuff, The Woman


Responses to this post » (One Total)

  1. Rosanne says:

    I literally burned water once…

    Well, okay. So I scorched the coating on the inside of the little electric boiler I had in college. I put water in it, plugged it in, then forgot about it, until I smelled it burning. 😛

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