30 Oct 2007 @ 8:53 PM 

Planning a comfort food dinner party for this weekend, when the lovely and captivating Kat is finally introduced to the majority of the people I talk to her about. I try to have a theme for my parties. The last party (way back in January) had a theme of “cheese and crackers” (plus chocolate souffle) and the one before that had a fancy-pants theme. That one had half Cornish hens, individual baked Alaskas, and so on. This party, I decided to avoid the chaos and go with a simpler theme: comfort foods.

What do you consider a comfort food? We ended up with 7-layer dip, ham soup, pot roast, and mashed potatoes. Dora seems to think that tiramisu is a comfort food, but that may be personal preference. Naturally, I can’t do anything simple 100%; there is a special dessert planned for this party, but I’m not giving anything away until I have to. Stay tuned for photos on Monday. 🙂

Now, off to frost a cake for tomorrow’s fall festival. Yay.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Nov 2007 @ 10:02 PM

Categories: Food


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  1. lysa says:

    I’ve always considered mac n cheese to be comfort food. That and tomato soup.

  2. Rosanne says:

    Most of the stuff Matt makes – he made me pot roast for my birthday, and makes hummus on a regular basis. When I bring it in, I just have to wait for all you guys to leave the office, so y’all can’t yell at me for stinking up the place with garlic.
    Crockpot brisket is another one… mac&cheese casserole (FANCY :-)… a few things that I make – tzatziki, tabbouleh, and chicken & dumplings.

    Now you’re making me hungry!

  3. […] comfort food party went very well. Mashed potatoes and pot roast disappeared like they weren’t even there. […]

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