20 May 2007 @ 6:14 PM 

In good news, Heroes is definitely coming back next year (cliffhanger season finale tomorrow!). In stranger news, there will be a show based on the one-liner Geico caveman commercials. If you thought it was hard to stretch a Saturday Night Live character to a movie, imagine stretching a slightly-funny ad to an entire season of television.

CBS is going to add a reality show that has a bunch of kids creating an entire town with no adult supervision, but they are cancelling Jericho and The Class. Go figure. And, I’m annoyed that Fox is killing off The War at Home – there are far too few good comedies on television as it is. Guess they have to make room for more episodes of American Idol.

Looking like the DVR will have plenty of free space this fall.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 May 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Categories: Entertainment, Video


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  1. Rosanne says:

    You might find these amusing:

    (over 12 tons, so far)

    Some of these folks are flippin’ loony-tunes. One was equating this campaign to actual battle, and questioning the patriotism of anyone who told her to get a life… including the Marine. I was tempted to look up a memorial site to those killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, and ask her how many of THEM were sending nuts to CBS. 😛

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