24 Oct 2006 @ 9:52 PM 

I know, I should let it rest for at least an hour or so before I start to dissect the browser, right?  Anyway, the new version of Firefox is out today. Two good things I’ve noticed already: the functionality of the essential SessionSaver extension is built into the browser now (one extension nuked); and there is a spellchecker for fields that just works. So far, it’s tagged “SessionSaver” and “spellchecker” as not real words.  Too bad, I’m keeping them.

The bad things I’ve noticed?  It takes at least a tenth of a second longer to load. And, I can’t seem to get rid of the useless little green button next to the address bar. Even IE 6 allowed me to nuke the “Go button.”  What’s up with those buttons? You’re willing to type the URL into the address box but you’re not quite capable of hitting the RETURN key when you’re done?  Is it really easier to move your hands off the keyboard, move to the mouse, twitch it to the right, and click the green button?  Naturally, I see this sort of wacky-ass behavior from coworkers and my boss every day, but they’re OLD!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 24 Oct 2006 @ 09:52 PM

Categories: Geek, Random Thoughts


Responses to this post » (3 Total)

  1. Rosanne says:

    Heh. I have to sit on my hands when I’m working on a UNIX machine – my fingers keep twitching towards hotkeys… WINDOWS hotkeys. I’ve been using Windows for too long. “CTRL-C” on a Sun machine can be ugly 🙂

    I think Diane was miffed at me today (Hi, Diane!!!), when I told her she could probably pass the World Religions DANTES ‘cuz she read a lot and was in her 40’s 🙂

    For the record – I’m 43.

  2. Gary says:

    You must have known I wasn’t grouping you in with the “how does the magic box work” group. 🙂

  3. Diane says:

    Hi Rosanne! … and I’m not that old … (42)

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