I love the persecution complex the GOP has. Even after gaining control of the House, Senate, White House, and (more or less) the Supreme Court, they still act like they’re some minority under attack. Hey, when you’re in charge you don’t get to be the underdog! Don’t claim the Democrats are doing something underhanded because ABC breaks a story making your party look sleazy; maybe you should use that Ethics Committee before someone gets indicted.
So, Mark Foley is a pedophile scumbag, who thinks going into alcohol rehab will somehow help his image. Oh, wait! Today he’s claiming that he was molested by a clergyman as a child. Oh, well, that certainly excuses this behavior.
Watch out for the Democrats, they’re out to get you!* Booga booga booga! And, right on cue, the GOP pundits pop up on all the news shows, attacking Democrats and claiming that the kids being targeted by Foley aren’t innocents but were working it. Huh?
*This would require the Dems to find their spines and ideas, so don’t hold your breath.