12 Nov 2005 @ 7:14 PM 

Seriously, is Veteran’s Day really a good time to attack your political rivals? I know, every day is campaign day in modern politics, but give it a rest already! I spent twelve years in the Army, and I’m proud of that service. I’m also happy to live in a country where I can disagree with a policy decision or pretty much anything else, and do so in public without fear of arrest or other bad things.

Here in San Angelo, the local school district finally decided to recognize Veteran’s Day. This is something which has been a long time coming, and is really bizarre considering how much the local population actually likes the military (not something I was used to at other postings in the Army). So, the Boy and I went to the parade again. Last year, it was cold and we had hot cocoa while sitting on a bench beside the Federal Building, watching the relatively small parade go by. This year, it was nice out, we stood in the street near the Federal Building (until he got tired and needed to take a break on the lawn), and the parade was much larger. It’s not quite as large as the parade for Rodeo Day, but you take what you can get in West Texas. I’m sure if we had a High School Football Day, the parade would be astounding in its scope. Anyway, a few new pictures up at the gallery of the Boy and the Cat. We built a gingerbread house that looks less impressive now than it did while we were decorating it. The Cat didn’t help.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Nov 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Categories: Food, Personal, Political, The Boy


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Rosanne says:

    I thought it was really impressive how they carefully blocked off all the streets and forgot about the alleys 😛

    There were cars cutting across the parade route, looking for parking.

    ~ R

  2. Gary says:

    Don’t get me started about the SAPD blocking streets. It was impossible to drive west after the parade, for the next twenty minutes. Interesting that most of the population of the city lives west of the parade route, eh?

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