18 Sep 2004 @ 5:17 PM 

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a cool movie. Alex is running around the den screaming random Sky Captain-related phrases now, driving his mother insane.

Gorgeous movie, really. The first 30 or 40 minutes were fantastic, and then it slowed down a bit. Still maintained a great noir-like look and feel, but Paltrow was doing way too much of the intrepid female reporter crap. I know the movies it is aping were kind of melodramatic, so I’ll let it go a bit. The performance of the late Laurence Olivier was pretty cool, but not as realistic as I thought it would be. The trailers made it seem that Angelina Jolie was the lead, but she doesn’t even show up until at least an hour into the film.

Anyway, fun movie. No particular depth, and some of the surprises are telegraphed 5 to 30 minutes before the punch lines, but fun matinee. Go see it. Take your hyperactive little boys. They’ll love it.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2005 @ 06:09 PM

Categories: Entertainment, The Boy


Responses to this post » (4 Total)

  1. Lysa says:

    It’s sad, I was so looking forward to this movie, and it bombed badly over the weekend. I had really wanted to go see it next weekend, now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t wait till it comes out on DVD. :-/

  2. Gary says:

    I don’t know what kind of “bombing” it did in your world, but here on earth it was the number one movie of the weekend, taking in over 16 million dollars during a normally-slow month.

  3. Lysa says:

    Yeah…but it cost $70 million to make.

  4. Gary says:

    How many movies do you know of that break even on opening weekend? Most are lucky to break even ever, and the “hits” usually don’t start making a profit until their second month of release. Considering that September is traditionally a very low-grossing month for films, and (more importantly) that Sky Captain was #1 by far this weekend, I just find it very difficult to reconcile your statement that it was a bomb. The best-attended movie on its opening weekend cannot be a bomb by any normal measure. Now, if it plummets to 2 million next weekend from 16 million this weekend, than maybe you have something. A movie with low expectations has exceeded them – it’s a hit. Deal with it, sourpuss. 😛

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