03 Sep 2004 @ 9:54 PM 

If you saw the RNC at all, you know the podium had a less-than-subtle cross on it. Some people objected.

Karl Rove told CNN he did not think the podium’s decorative woodwork looked like a cross.
“My God, where do they come up with this stuff?” he said. “Does it look to you like it’s a cross? I don’t think so.”

Yeah, right.

Arnold preaching

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Oct 2007 @ 07:20 AM

Categories: Political


Responses to this post » (4 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    That certainly looks like a cross to me. But subtle enough to as not to violate seperation of church and state. Clever.

  2. Derek says:

    Subtle. But even if it was a crucifix, what would it matter? The First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

    How would displaying a cross on the podium be in violation?

  3. Gary says:

    I don’t think there’s anything illegal with displaying a cross on the pulpit lectern, but to then claim that you don’t understand how anyone could see a cross there is rather disingenuous. Rove obviously saw a cross just as any other reasonable person can see a cross there.

  4. kathleen says:

    I don’t see a christian cross there. I think this is nit picking

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