01 Sep 2004 @ 10:56 AM 

Driving down a four-lane one-way street this morning, I had the interesting experience of watching someone turn left from the second lane right in front of a motorcycle officer of the local PD. The officer, sensing an easy ticket, did . . . nothing at all and drove away.

This is such a typical move by the police here. The only laws they enforce seem to involve speeding in school zones. Park on the wrong side of the street? No problem. Park on a corner, rather than the required 15 feet away? Still good. Run every stop sign in town? Hey, you’re from Texas. Never use your turn signal? That’s okey dokey. Go 22 miles per hour in a school zone, with no children within a mile? Busted!

Is it any wonder we have more accidents in this small city than in the much larger Midland-Odessa area? Our drivers suck and the police let them.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Sep 2004 @ 04:26 PM

Categories: Personal, Random Thoughts


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Sixlegged says:

    What do you expect from a city that is still blaming Bill Clinton for all its woes, that thinks it’s funny to talk about killing Muslims, that has an political tool for a mayor destined to be a bigger puppet one day?

  2. Lysa says:

    I sympathize m’dear…the other day, I got a series of rude gestures and nasty attitudes from a driver who was making a left turn across my right turn. I gestured back, confident in my right of way, but afterwards, I began to wonder, since this nonsense keeps happening. I double checked, and no, I’m quite right, right turn, right of way, left turn yields. It’s just that every other Cali driver has gone insane, or has forgotten the California Driver’s Handbook. URGH!

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