In response to this story about the culpability of using a web log to mention anything at all not completely personal, I have added a disclaimer to the bottom of my main web site, as well as on my journal page. I hope you understand. 🙂
Hey, the Friday Five is back!
current_music: Stevie Wonder – Someday at Christmas
Anyone else ever daydream about what you’d do if you could be invisible? Just hang out and listen to what people say about you, sneak into the women’s locker room, make people think they’re haunted…
current_mood: bored
For those watching Salon slowly disintegrate (or barely cling to existence, depending on your point of view), why not pick on MandrakeSoft for wacky business moves? They have gotten to the point of begging their customers to please buy a membership and to not just freely download their free product any more.
Brings to mind the entire Dot-Com concept:
The dot-commers never figured out that third step, and Mandrakesoft is following their footsteps to the quicksand, it seems. How does someone make money selling an operating system which is, by definition, free? Red Hat eked out a tiny profit this quarter, so there may be hope for the Services Model of software development, but how much money has RH actually lost over the years to get to this point? At the rate they “earned” money last quarter, will they ever pay off their old debt before the next century? Will Mandrake ever make money?
Tune in next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel!