15 May 2002 @ 6:29 PM 

Ever have a flash of memory, and wonder why you’d think of such a thing at that time?

I just remembered a surreal night from almost 15 years ago. My friend Jason was heading out to boot camp to be in the Navy Reserve, and there was a party in Long Beach or Bellflower. I lived in Anaheim then, so it was a 30 mile drive or so. After getting lightly toasted at the party, I hopped in the car and drove home, on the nearly deserted freeway. At 3 am, I only saw about 1 car every 2 minutes during the drive home. Up ahead, I saw some flames from the center divider. Being a cautious sort (especially when I was sure that I would NOT pass a breathalyzer and I was underage anyhow), I pulled into the far right lane, and continued on. The flames were coming from a single car accident. The van was facing 45 degrees back toward traffic, nose against the concrete pillar of an overpass, and was completely engulfed in flame. In my illegally inebriated state, I had two thoughts: “there but for the grace of…”, and “ain’t no way I can stop to help.” Not that there was anything any normal person could have done to save them, but isn’t it the right thing to do, to stop for an accident and at least notify authorities?

Why in the world would that memory blossom in my mind, fully formed and vivid?
current_mood: content

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 May 2002 @ 06:29 PM

Categories: Musings


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