Ugh, I know what you mean…until I changed my main email addy, Earthlink’s Spaminator used to catch spam by the dozens, if not hundreds, each week. I was constantly grateful those weren’t in my proper inbox, but I was also constantly being harassed by Earthlink that my mail box server was too full, could I please clean it? My Dad, who I’ve been hounding to change his email, gets spam by hundreds a DAY. He has some spam tool, but damn, that’s just ridiculous.
Ugh, I know what you mean…until I changed my main email addy, Earthlink’s Spaminator used to catch spam by the dozens, if not hundreds, each week. I was constantly grateful those weren’t in my proper inbox, but I was also constantly being harassed by Earthlink that my mail box server was too full, could I please clean it? My Dad, who I’ve been hounding to change his email, gets spam by hundreds a DAY. He has some spam tool, but damn, that’s just ridiculous.