I check my home email from a laptop at work, to bypass the LAN nazis by logging into Earthlink instead of using the corporate LAN. Using Endymion’s mailman demo, I can check and send mail without a problem. So, today, I see something that has a subject line mentioning a meeting of some kind. I try to open it in MailMan and it kicks me out of the mail client. Bizarre.
I get home and check my email with Eudora, and that message pops up and immediately I get some weird-ass window on my computer that looks like a spreadsheet. When I close it, it comes back three times until I reset the computer in disgust.
After rebooting, there is no trace of anything wrong, and I just updated my virus definitions today. Maybe it was a wacky popup? Eudora does use MSIE for HTML parsing…
Anyone else seen this, or is it some anomaly of my system for the day?
current_music: Alex saying, “I’m myself cleaning up.”
current_mood: confused