27 Nov 2006 @ 1:49 PM 

Every so often, I run across some spelling error that just screams to be corrected.  I generally abstain, as most people do not take correction well.  I’m going to try to make a list someday, but here are two that made me cringe in the past few minutes:

  • Per Say – it’s “per se” and if you don’t know that you probably shouldn’t be using it.
  • Lead as a past-tense verb. The past tense of lead is led.  The pronunciation of the second, when spelled like the first, is a soft metal.

Are there spelling errors that make you scream?  Not just a simple typo, but when someone actually believes that what they wrote is absolutely correct?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Nov 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Categories: Funny Stuff, Literary


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  1. […] To follow up really quickly on my earlier spelling post, here’s another one: […]

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