
 01 Aug 2004 @ 3:27 PM 

Talk Soup, now called The Soup, is back! Oh, the snarky goodness… And it’s an hour before The Daily Show, so it’s a double dose of smartass!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Aug 2004 @ 03:27 PM

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 01 Aug 2004 @ 10:53 AM 

I’m amused by this. I consider it the Frequent Fuckers Card, though. Buy six Viagra pills, get the seventh one free. Guys getting a stack of like 10 of these cards, just for bragging rights…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Aug 2004 @ 10:53 AM

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 31 Jul 2004 @ 7:23 PM 

I’ve done my homework, the laundry, and there’s nothing compelling on television (Well, the Talented Mr. Ripley is on and I’ve not seen that)… I’ll knock out some floor finishing tonight. Woohoo!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Jul 2004 @ 07:23 PM

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 31 Jul 2004 @ 7:21 PM 

Since my company has been bought by a publicly-traded corporation, I’m getting a stock payout from the savings plan. As it stands right now, I’ll get about 2700 bucks in March, and then some other amount (probably around 1900) a few months later.

That takes care of our vacations next year[1], and at least a month acceleration in debt repayment. Woohoo!

[1] – We’re planning to go to SoCal in the summer, hit Disneyland and San Diego Wild Animal Park, Mexico, maybe Solvang. Then, we’re going on a Carribean cruise late in the year.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Jul 2004 @ 07:21 PM

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 31 Jul 2004 @ 5:00 PM 

Come along and join the party.
Come along and have some fun.
We’re the guys from the US Army.
Dropping rounds on everyone.
Throw some candy to the children.
Wait until they gather round.
Lock and load your M-16.
And blow those little suckers down.
Walk up into their school house.
Wait until you hear the bell.
Pull a pin from a grenade
Send those bastards straight to hell.

Around her neck she wore a studded collar
She wore it in the springtime
In the merry month of May!
And if you asked her
Why the heck she wore it,
She wore it for that soldier
Who was into whips and chains.

Whip me beat me
I need love
Smack me in the face
With a stiff white glove
Bash me on the head
With a telephone
That’s the kind of shit
That turns me on.

I wish that all the ladies
Were bells in a tower
And I was the bellboy
I’d bang ’em every hour
I wish that all the ladies
Were pies on a shelf
And I was the baker
I’d eat ’em all myself
I wish that all the ladies
Were holes in a road
And I was the dumptruck
I’d fill ’em with my load
I wish that all the ladies
Were bricks in a pile
And I was the mason
I’d lay ’em all in style.

This has been your politically incorrect interlude for the day.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Oct 2004 @ 10:22 AM

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Categories: Military

 31 Jul 2004 @ 1:47 PM 

My snarky comments will be in italics.

Text of President Bush’s speech at Hammons Field on Friday, July 30, 2004:

We will do more to make America more job friendly and America’s workplaces more family friendly. To keep American jobs in America, regulations should be reasonable and fair. To keep the jobs here at home, we must lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy. To keep American jobs here, we must end the junk lawsuits that hurt our small businesses. And to keep this economy growing so people can find work, we will not overspend your money, and we will keep your taxes low. By “reasonable” regulations, do you mean removing ergonomics, safety, and pollution rules? And we’ll only overspend your money on foreign wars, not anything you might benefit from.

More »

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Jul 2004 @ 02:33 PM

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 31 Jul 2004 @ 1:27 PM 

My snarky comments will be in italics.

Text of President Bush’s speech at Hammons Field on Friday, July 30, 2004:

Thank you all very much. Thank you, please be seated. Thanks for coming. It’s great to be in the heartland of our country. And I want to thank you all for being here this morning to help kick off our Heart and Soul of America Tour.

There will be big differences in this campaign. They’re going to raise your taxes, we’re not. The tax cut has not improved the economy so far, and the Dems only want to raise taxes on people making more than $200,000 – probably not most of the audience.

I have a clear vision on how to win the war on terror and bring peace to the world. Maybe you could have started working on that by now, then?

More »

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Jul 2004 @ 01:49 PM

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Categories: Political

 30 Jul 2004 @ 5:32 PM 

After watching Obama’s speech, attempting to sit still through Kerry’s dronefest is just painful. Fortunately, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before. Could someone get the guy a personality transplant? His wife has some to spare, I think.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2004 @ 05:32 PM

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 30 Jul 2004 @ 4:51 PM 

The Musketeer
Category IV – The Musketeer
a small, highly edited social group, and you like it that way.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2004 @ 04:52 PM

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Categories: Memes

 30 Jul 2004 @ 2:02 PM 

Bush back to campaigning in battleground states with a message of “we’ve turned a corner” so we should stay the course. I remember his daddy had a “stay the course” message that didn’t work out so well for him.

My question is, if we’ve turned a corner, are we now in a long dark alley, or is that just the perception of most people I talk to? 🙂

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Oct 2007 @ 07:22 AM

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 29 Jul 2004 @ 9:02 PM 

It really sucks that I would ever find myself agreeing with anything that Fidel Castro has to say.

bq. Bush, charged Castro, could be having a difficult time “distinguishing between relevant and inconsequential information.”

Apparently the non sequiturs that the President threw around a few weeks ago regarding how proud Castro is of his healthy prostitutes were (read for it?) plagiarised from a college student’s web site. And, they were paraphrased badly at that. Go figure.

Are there any fact checkers working for the White House? Any at all?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2004 @ 09:02 PM

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Categories: News, Political

 29 Jul 2004 @ 6:25 PM 

Well, last tile post until I get some photos online, anyway.

The tile dudes finished up this morning, the kitchen sink is in place, and all is right with the world. Except, of course, that the two women I talk to at work have left me. One to Georgia and the other to the next building over. The one who’s going to Georgia is the one I’ll miss most. Why can’t this company keep any interesting non-retired people? Almost every one of my coworkers is 50 years old and annoying as shit.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2004 @ 06:25 PM

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 29 Jul 2004 @ 8:50 AM 

I’m supposed to be at work. I should have been there 90 minutes ago. Instead, I’m waiting for the tile guys to come back and do about 30 minutes of work they should have done yesterday. I hate home improvement projects.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2004 @ 08:50 AM

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 29 Jul 2004 @ 8:25 AM 
In 1970 (the year you were born)
Richard Nixon is president of the US

A federal jury finds the “Chicago 7” innocent of conspiring to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention

The lunar spacecraft Apollo 13 splashes down in the Pacific after near catastrophe

The first Earth Day is marked by millions of Americans participating in anti-pollution demonstrations

At Kent State University, National Guardsmen fire into a crowd killing four student antiwar demonstrators

A powerful earthquake claims 50,000 lives in Peru

18 year olds are given the right to vote in federal elections

Tidal wave driven by cyclone from Bay of Bengal hits East Pakistan, killing hundreds of thousands

An anti-war rally is held at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, attended by John Kerry, Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland

Queen Latifah, Mariah Carey, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Jennifer Lopez, and Matt Damon are born

Baltimore Orioles win the World Series

Kansas City Chiefs win Superbowl IV

Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup

Tearjerker Love Story is the top grossing film

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou is published

“The Long and Winding Road” becomes the Beatles’ last Number 1 song

What Happened the Year You Were Born?
More cool things for your blog at Blogthings
Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2004 @ 08:27 AM

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 28 Jul 2004 @ 5:36 PM 

The movies for today were Dark City and Solaris (new version). Dark City was dark. Go figure. It reminded me of Metropolis and Blade Runner, in the stygian depths of the city as well as the anachronistic set design. Why do so many movies set in the future make everyone and everything look like it belongs in 1947? At least Dark City explained why. Good movie, if you are into mind-bending science fiction mystery movies. Great movie, if you are into great set design and cinematography.

Solaris, on the other hand, tries to be mind-bending but ends up telegraphing every move a mile ahead. I’ve not read the Lem book on which it’s based, but I’m betting it’s not as simple as the movie. Clooney’s wife is dead, he goes to a magical planet and his wife appears with no memory except of him. Anyone else see that she is a physical figment of his imagination? Maybe the planet made her. Ya think? The cinematography is fantastic in Solaris, as well, but the story is just a little flat.

Neither of these movies, despite being science fiction, had much in the way of special effects. The planet in Solaris was supposed to be impressive, but it just looked like a plasma lamp to me. The morphing city in Dark City was very cool, though.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 05:36 PM

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Categories: Entertainment

 28 Jul 2004 @ 5:29 PM 

Although the job was slated to be “two and a half” days and it has now been three full days, they’ll be back in the morning for a few more things. Polishing the bathroom floor, gluing the rubber strip down on the doorsill, and driving me insane.

One of the guys did put the toilet back on for me, for 30 bucks. What a great scam. And, I have to hit the hardware store for some silicone to put the new kitchen sink in. The old kitchen sink remains on my porch, so I guess my request that they dispose of it was a waste of breath. Into the trash can it goes. I think it’ll fit.

In good news, it looks nice. The tile is not nearly as dark as I had feared, and now I’m trying to figure out when we should get the backsplash done in the kitchen. At least that won’t require gutting two rooms of the house for a week. Time to pull the fridge stuff out of the coolers and pretend I’m a grownup again. Joy.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 08:53 PM

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 28 Jul 2004 @ 9:31 AM 

Something you don’t want to hear just after someone removes your toilet from the bathroom: Who’s going to put that back on for you, Mr. B____?

Well, hell, here I figured the guys that took it off would be the obvious choice. One more thing that the chuckleheads at Lowe’s need to perhaps discuss with people before the job starts?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:35 AM

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 27 Jul 2004 @ 7:53 PM 

I’m sure everyone is just anxious with concern over the tiledudes progress today. I’m happy to say that it went well. They repaired the floor after the plumber left it full of holes, got the tile done for the countertop and the kitchen floor, and are ready to hit the bathroom floor tomorrow. Still no grout to finish the tile with, which makes me a bit nervous. And, I hope they don’t find a pipe hiding under the floor in the bathroom. There’s no access under the house. We wouldn’t even know if they hit something unless it was a huge gusher, until weeks from now. I don’t relish the idea of ripping up a brand-new floor to fix 50 year-old plumbing.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:35 AM

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 27 Jul 2004 @ 7:50 PM 

This afternoon’s film was The Dreamers, a film by Bernardo Bertolucci that didn’t have subtitles. It’s Bertolucci’s homage to the New Wave of French cinema, and boy does it show. It’s got sex, smoking, incest, smoking, Chairman Mao, firebombs, movies, riots, smoking, drinking, and sex. Holy crap was there a lot of smoking. Set in 1968, this is hardly surprising I guess; still, lots of smoking.

It was a film filled with a great deal of fantastic imagery, wonderful music, and the kind of dialog you wish you participated in during real life. Wonderfully hallucinogenic movie, but it seemed to have an unfinished ending.

Oh, and for the women – there’s male full-frontal nudity. Explains the NC17 rating.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Jul 2004 @ 07:50 PM

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 27 Jul 2004 @ 2:53 PM 

I know, I could be doing my homework. Sue me.

It’s been raining all afternoon. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t wash the cars this past weekend like I had briefly considered. Hope it’s enough to make the pecan tree produce good. We’ll see what we see.

If I ever get another cat, it won’t be black. Holly disappears into the shadow when she wants to, and then reappears when I step or sit on her. Dopey thing just stares at me when a boot starts to crush her little empty head, too. No self-preservation instinct apparently.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Jul 2004 @ 02:53 PM

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