12 Nov 2001 @ 11:00 AM 

The United States expects to spend more than $1 billion a month on the early phases of the war in Afghanistan, and the cost is likely to rise rapidly above that level as the Pentagon builds its forces in the region, Congressional and administration officials say.
James Dao – New York Times, November 12, 2001
current_music: Barenaked Ladies – The Flag

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Nov 2001 @ 11:00 AM

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 11 Nov 2001 @ 1:46 PM 

So, here’s a comment on the English discussion list today:

Dr. deleted expected an answer to each question and I had to re-introduce myself.

Oh, the sheer gall of the professor to expect you to actually answer each question posed. Let’s see what the instructions said about that first (laughably simple) assignment:

Tell us these things about yourself (don't omit any of this info; this exercise tests your ability and willingness to follow directions):

Yeah, that was pretty tough to figure out. I can see why you’re unhappy that your first draft (which you submitted as a completed assignment) was rejected.
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Nov 2001 @ 01:46 PM

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 10 Nov 2001 @ 2:13 PM 

Hey, for the next few weeks, Cafepress is giving free shipping on orders of $50 or more. So, if you want some cool Andy Social stuff (or Origami Swag), now is a good time.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Nov 2001 @ 02:13 PM

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 10 Nov 2001 @ 1:22 PM 

So, somehow after losing fifty votes last week, I’ve stalled at a mere 34 votes for the month of November thus far. This has caused me to watch my ranking slip from #12 to #25 to (now) #46! Forty-six! There are people who haven’t sold a thing that are ranked higher than I am. I’ve sold a few mugs and shirts now, so I know my designs don’t suck. Hope I get some good word-o-mouth or something. Can’t argue with extra cash.

Tshirt countdown vote

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Nov 2001 @ 01:22 PM

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 07 Nov 2001 @ 10:27 PM 

This is the kind of sophomoric tripe I am enmeshed in whenever I deal with UMUC’s class online:

…, whose thoughts and emotions deserves to be validated.

Oh, come on! Validation? What a bunch of amateurish, armchair psychobabble.
Here’s another good one:

I enjoy my English classes expect (sic) for the fact that I have to write so much.

That’s like saying you like your mathematics class, except for those pesky equations and numbers. What is wrong with these people?
current_music: Clannad – Atlantic Realm

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Nov 2001 @ 10:27 PM

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 07 Nov 2001 @ 2:55 PM 

I think I’ve insulted darling Nikki (couldn’t resist a gratuitous 80s reference). Didn’t mean to belittle your military service, dear. Just the usual banter between services. You zoomie.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Nov 2001 @ 02:55 PM

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 07 Nov 2001 @ 2:01 PM 

For those who think that I’m some kneejerk reactionary right-wing hawk (which is absurdly far from the truth), here‘s an interesting conversation. Guess which side I’m more impressed by.

When I post these links to other conversations on LJ, I don’t do it to espouse a particular view, but to share things I found interesting. In this case, I think one side of the debate makes a much more reasoned case for his side of the argument. I don’t agree wholeheartedly with either debater. In the case I was loudly denounced for recently, I found the other side of the debate more admirable.

Neither side of these debates has an absolute monopoly on good sense and right answers. But, making logical and clean arguments, no matter how much I disagree with them, impresses me. I enjoy the interplay of words between people who can use language to express reasoned opinions. Reasoned does not necessarily imply reasonable, but such is life.
current_music: Clannad – Ca De Sin Do’n Te Sin
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Nov 2001 @ 02:01 PM

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Categories: Journal
 06 Nov 2001 @ 10:26 PM 

How in the world can you look at the events of the past two months (euphemistically referred to as the “9/11 events”) and consider it an “opportunity for change” that we shouldn’t “waste” by bombing bad guys? Right, we should stop considering the events as a case of “us vs. them” and go ahead and sing Kumbaya. After all, there’s no way that Bin Laden and friends will bomb us again if we tell them we are all happy and global-minded now. Yep, that’s fuckin’ logical.

Seriously, I actually read someone’s journal that called the recent attacks “an opportunity for change” that we shouldn’t be wasting by blowing up caves in Afghanistan. While I certainly wonder if the method for our “war” is effective, just telling them we’ve seen the errors of our ways sure won’t work.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Nov 2001 @ 10:26 PM

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 06 Nov 2001 @ 10:11 PM 

OK, that f***ing Countdown site is just pissing me off now. I had like 50 hits, so I was expecting to be on the front page (in the top 20) today. But, lo, I suddenly have only 6 votes now, so I’m back to page 8 or some damned thing. Why bother with a site if the same 3 people win the “shirt of the month” design every month? Duh.
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Nov 2001 @ 10:11 PM

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 05 Nov 2001 @ 9:14 AM 

I’m always cold at work. I have had nothing to do since June. Someone entertain me. And bring a jacket.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Nov 2001 @ 09:14 AM

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 03 Nov 2001 @ 8:41 PM 

<sarcasm>Figured I hadn’t posted often enough today.</sarcasm>

Well, I’m now #25 on the T shirt Countdown. Get me higher tomorrow, will ya? Vote over on my site if you have a few seconds to spare.

Tired, hoping to get that last Eric Clapton song from Reptile tonight. Guess I’ll wait till morning.
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 08:41 PM

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 03 Nov 2001 @ 8:33 PM 

Before you jump to conclusions and snap someone’s head off like a hungry mantis, pause. Think. Calmly consider what the other person is saying, disconnected from any emotional overtones.
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 08:33 PM

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Categories: Journal
 03 Nov 2001 @ 4:08 PM 

As most of you know, I’m a big fan of the browser Opera, but I use all three of the mainstream browsers (Mozilla and Konqueror fans please don’t yell at me): Netscape 6.2, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Opera 5.12. It’s always entertaining to see the differences in how each of them renders the same exact page, especially when a page is valid HTML 4.0.

This one, though, is different. PNG files, although a standard, are handled funny depending on the browser. Like GIF files, they have an optional “interlaced” mode, which is actually implemented much better than the GIF system. When looking at this on the three browsers, something weird happened. First, I discovered that Quicktime had hijacked the MIME type in Netscape.

After getting it set so Netscape loaded PNGs natively, I ended up with two basic PNG handling systems. The Opera and Netscape browsers both rendered the file at “actual size” and so I had to scroll a tiny bit to see the whole image. IE 6, however, seems to have added a cool new image-handling feature: autozoom. When you open an image by itself (not embedded in an HTML file), the browser will shrink it to fit into the window by default. You still have the option of clicking one button and seeing it at full size, but it’s a pretty cool new feature. You know it’s tough for me to compliment Microsoft for something, but there ya go.

Yes, I have too much time on my hands on occasion.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 04:08 PM

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Categories: Journal
 03 Nov 2001 @ 3:26 PM 

As promised here, here’s the artwork I used on the shortlived attempt at a goodwill-based proof of concept LJ Bash Shirt Store.
Not so

If interested in the original Photoshop file, let me know.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 03:26 PM

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Categories: Journal
 03 Nov 2001 @ 3:04 PM 

Apparently tact, good manners, and common courtesy are completely optional online. Oh, and I could use a really big dose of sarcastic insult, too.

Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune be damned.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 03:04 PM

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Categories: Journal
 03 Nov 2001 @ 2:52 PM 

It’s a new month, and the stats for the T Shirt Countdown have been reset (belatedly I noted). So, time to go vote for your favorite geek’s shirts!

I almost got into the Top Ten last month. Oh, and the Cafepress guys are setting up some new holiday stuff, so keep an eye out for shirt-wearing teddy bears and such.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Nov 2001 @ 02:52 PM

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 02 Nov 2001 @ 2:51 PM 

Although I rarely read my friends’ pages directly, relying on the wonder of the Friends Page instead, I notice some things when I peruse new potential “friends” on LJ.

Here’s one: if you go to ‘s journal using Netscape or MSIE, it looks just fine. If you go there with Opera, you get black text on a dark blue background, rendering the text invisible. My quest: discover the source of this discrepency. And, thanks to the wonder of the CSS Validator over at the WWW Consortium, I have. Apparently, the wonderful Klee has mistyped a color in her setup, rendering “C02768” as “CO2768″ instead. While this is an illegal color, I’m amazed at the ability of the two mainstream browsers to actually display the desired (amazingly bright) pink shade without error. Things that make you go hmmm…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Nov 2001 @ 02:51 PM

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Categories: Journal
 02 Nov 2001 @ 8:46 AM 

Money is the root of all marital troubles.

Anyone declared bankruptcy? What did that do to your life?
current_mood: cold

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Nov 2001 @ 08:46 AM

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Categories: Journal
 02 Nov 2001 @ 7:56 AM 

So, Microsoft and the DOJ finally reached a settlement, which does nothing. So far as I can tell, this is no more than the Consent Decree which Microsoft agreed to in 1994 and violated numerous times over the subsequent years.

Now, the new settlement says that MS will stop doing bad things, and the Department of Justice will keep an eye on them for five years. After five years, if the DOJ determines that MS is still a naughty monopolist, they’ll extend the monitoring another two years.

You will play well with others, or we will taunt you a third time!

Your tax dollars at work (well, except you Canucks).

Update: Apparently the state prosecutors are not willing to give Microsoft the leeway that the federal government is. According to this article, the settlement is unpalatable to the states, which are showing a lot more sense than the DoJ, in my opinion. Why trust MS now, when they have broken decrees in the past with such impunity?
current_music: Nickelback – Woke Up This Morning
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Nov 2001 @ 07:56 AM

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 01 Nov 2001 @ 11:23 AM 

Hello, LJ team? Wakie wakie! The Status page says nobody is awake yet, and is marked as being updated at 1pm EST, which is 10 am in California. Damn, you guys sleep late.
current_music: Linkin Park – Papercut

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Nov 2001 @ 11:23 AM

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