Unlike Kat or me, Alex was capable of the balance needed to stand up on his board while surfing in San Diego. I only got two clips of it, and neither is of a great ride, but here’s the best view.
[podcast format=”video” height=”360″ width=”540″]http://www.andysocial.com/Pigfiles/Alex_Surfing_Step.flv[/podcast]
720p h.264 Quicktime version
Do you know any insufferably perky people? Give them Despondex!
And of course, for you Facebook readers who can’t see embedded videos in RSS notes:
Youtube Video for the Facebook folks, since apparently Zuckerberg strips out the video embeds.
Here are a couple families that I can only assume will host every sleepover for a couple of years.
A man built his son an AT-AT loft bed with escape hatch in the play area above.
Another man decided to go completely insane and built a three-bed bunk with an even more-detailed model of an AT-AT.
I can’t relate to this comic at all. Nope, not me.
A fishing competition in Texas ended in accusations of cheating, which is probably common. What is less common is that the guy accused tried to get away with making his “winning” catch heavier by putting a one-pound lead weight in it. Â I can just imagine how busted he felt when the fish sank when it was dropped in a tank at the judging booth. Â Oops. Â And, since it was a contest with a $55000 boat as the prize, it’s a felony. Â Double oops.
Produced by Robert Rodriguez, starring Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Don Johnson, Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Steven Seagal, Lindsay Lohan…and Danny Trejo in Machete!
Update: 20th Century Fox removed the trailer. Â Way to destroy the buzz for a movie, you marketing masters!
Update2: Ain’t it Cool still has the clip on their site.
This is one seriously bizarre-looking killfest of a movie. And I think Robert Rodriguez dislikes Arizona’s new law.
Saw this headline today, and figured that is one they can recycle for every bill so long as the GOP is in the minority:
Republicans Unanimously Against Bill Being Brought to the Senate Floor This Week
One of my great pet peeves of the attempt by media folks to be “with it” and give out URLs on TV.
For anyone who ever played a video game in the 80s or 90s, this video is made of awesome with a side of geek sauce.
A few years ago, Thinkgeek introduced an 8-bit tie for April Fools Day. They eventually produced the thing for real. Last year, they featured the Tauntaun sleeping bag. In November, they produced it for real. This year, I hope they make this alarm clock come true. It’s better than Tribbles ‘n’ Bits.
I know, it’s unfair and biased. Â But funny!
One would expect a show on Cartoon Network that airs at 4pm to be directed at kids. Â I’m pretty sure that “Dude What Would Happen?” is aimed at stoners. Â Duuuude.
I know that things which appear to be clusters are merely random stastical fluctuations, but if another Canadian child actor from the 80s dies this month, it’ll be freaky.
Corey Haim, 38. At least the vampires didn’t get him.
We watched Micheal Buble on SNL this weekend, and it’s the first time I’d ever heard him. Â Considering that he’s sold millions of records and continues to be in the top 20 Billboard album chart, you’d think we’d have heard him before. Â And now that we have, I have to say… I don’t get it. Is “lounge singer” a new hotness? This guy makes Bryan Adams look like he’s got a lot of soul. Â To be fair, unlike some singers who perform on SNL, at least he did stay on key. So there’s that. Â Zzzzzz….
Thank you, California, for finally diverting some of the “oh no they didn’t” attention from Texas. Menifee, a town in Riverside County, has decided to pull the Webster Collegiate Dictionary from their school library, because it has definitions of terms like “oral sex” and the poor children just can’t handle such things. Seriously, didn’t everyone flip through the dictionary looking for dirty words, just because you could? Our children are not so delicate and easily bruised, people!
Is Menifee in the 909?
Kat and I thought they should have tried to get some of these into the broadcast.
Conan O’Brien is right – the Tonight Show isn’t the Tonight Show if it’s actually tomorrow morning.