27 Nov 2005 @ 8:15 PM 

Looking at Norton’s activity log, for the past week I’ve been averaging 6 Sober worm hits each day. Contrast this with my usual 2 or 3 virus warnings per month, and you can imagine how much traffic this thing is producing across the entire internet.

What is the point of this stupid thing, anyway? I particularly appreciate the emails purporting to be from the FBI or the CIA warning me about my IP being logged while downloading illegal software/music/porn. Yeah, the CIA is tasked with domestic cybercrime. At least they didn’t send messages pretending to be from the NSA for a change. 🙂

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Nov 2005 @ 08:15 PM

Categories: Geek


Responses to this post » (One Total)

  1. lysa says:

    I’ve been getting hits galore from Sober myself. Earthlink has caught all of them before they even made it into my email box. I love getting that “we intercepted an email containing W32.Sober. The message had no content, and we deleted it.” But I did get warned on my work email that the CIA had logged me at illegal sites. I laughed. Norton snaked the virus contained therein, and my work computer was saved. Does make Sober seem rather pointless, since even the most basic antiviral software blocks it.

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