20 Dec 2005 @ 12:29 AM 

Hewlett Packard is having a sale on their entry-level color laser printer, the 2600N. This printer has won awards and accolades when it was selling for 400 bucks. Now, it’s on sale for $319, with free shipping. Since my inkjet is old and ink is only available via mailorder and it is spitting and sputtering, I ordered a nice shiny laser printer. It showed up today.

I spent over an hour waiting at the FedEx center, after being told the package would be there at the time I arrived. OK, nothing to be done about it. Get it home, unpack the fifty pound beast, pull all the tabs, place it just so, install software, plug it in, flip the switch. And the switch. . . fell off in my hand. That can’t be right.

I tried to reassemble the switch, to no avail. So, I’ve got a fifty pound paperweight on my desk. Joy. I’m betting I won’t print anything until New Years. Ho ho ho.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 Dec 2005 @ 12:31 AM

Categories: Geek


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Rosanne says:

    What’s up with printers, this month? Ours just gave up the ghost after about 7 years – not too shabby a run.

    We replaced it with another inkjet – another Epson Photo inkjet, at that. I was amused that it got here by Christmas, when I ordered it last Sunday, to be shipped via the cheapest slow boat and mule trains available. It’s purty. So far, so good.

    ~ Rosanne

  2. BunkBlog says:

    Printer All Better…

    The printer naturally arrived in San Angelo while I was in San Antonio, and the FedEx office closed while I was passing through Eden. Checking the web site at the time I was supposed to be across town (near the FedEx office), I saw that it was suppose…

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